Damn It's Good To Be The King.....Email The King At fu2rman@yahoo.com
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Well This Is Interesting
What a difference a week makes.
The once written off Oakland A's are now holding a 2 game lead over the Los Angeles Angels of the city Arte Moreno is ashamed to be a part of. I still say Arte can go **** himself.
This is why I take some satisfaction in watching this happen.
And what is the best part of this whole thing?
The Yankees are at the top of the Wildcard standings. And the second best part is that the Arte's Angels are third in the Wildcard standings.
That man is a devil to Orange County Sports, and now he has cursed the Angels.
It seems the French have a 'set' on them afterall.
Aug. 29, 2005 - As the going gets tougher for the U.S. military in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the region, one ally has stepped up despite a recent straining of ties: France......
....."It's France's wish to show that we are cooperating in the fight against terror and in support of you in Afghanistan," said French Air Force Col. Gilles Michel, who oversees his country's air force role in the theater. "We told the Americans, 'If you need some assets, we will provide them.'"
While I'm on a SPEAKS roll, let me ask 2 questions.
1. Will anyone in the world come through and help us out with the devastation that hurricane Katrina caused?
2. If they do, will it be widely reported?
I ask these two questions for these reasons.
The US is usually the first to jump in and help when another country has a catastrophe, whether they need our help or not. We are always there for anyone. But it seems the world loves to talk shit on us whenever they get the slightest opportunity. So now that we have one of our great cities virtually under water, are they going to be there to help?
My second question comes because of this. With the twisted main-stream media, will they squash reports of help we get from the world, and claim the lack of support is due to our lack of popularity due to our involvement in Iraq?
Not like something unnatural or anything, I just love the insane.
Wells was hoping to play for the Yankees, again, but he pissed of The Boss last time he was in New York. So, he is a Red Sock this year. He has had two, 2 year stops in New York already in his illustrious career. He won a World Series once in each of those stops.
Our boy Wells is going to have a nice vacation, being suspended for 6 games.
His suspension was the result of a confrontation with umpires, where he made contact, and spit at them. Of course he denies this.
Wells lost his appeal, and alleges he lost because Commissioner Bud Selig is retaliating against him for his criticism of the Commish.
Wells has said that Selig has drug his feet on the steroid issue, especially in the Raphael Palmeiro issue. Wells asserts that Selig waited until after the Hall of Fame induction to make it public.
I have to admit, it wouldn't surprise me.
As a businessman, and a baseball fan, I agree with David Wells on one thing.
It's time for Bud Selig to resign.
Selig may be doing everything right, but he has a perception problem.
It's time for him to go.
If Selig loves the game, he will resign, and let someone take over that can come in with the perception that he is tough on steroids, and will clean up baseball.
Even if the new guy sticks to the status quo, a new face would do wonders for baseball.
Go ahead David, keep talking shit, even if you don't always have a strong relationship with facts.
As many of you know, I started this sports site after I was writing on political topics on Fu2rman Speaks.
I got many questions about sports on that site, so I started this one, and signed off on that site.
Especially since there were 1000's of blogs to read about politics, but not many with my take on sports, so here we are.
However, from time to time, I find something that is not sports related that must be stated.
Today is one of those days.
I have an employee that is very liberal, she graduated from Berkley and everything, (let me note, she is waiting tables for me, and miss tax and spend,doesn't claim all her tips).
But I digress.
She also thinks we are in the wrong war, at the wrong time, or whatever BS John Kerry tried to pull on us in his unsuccessful, (Thank God) bid for the Presidency.
So tonight after I got home from work, I was reading my friend over at CUANAS, and I ran across a post of his. He referenced a post from The Astute Blogger.
If you support our efforts in Iraq, it will be preaching to the chior, and you will love it.
But if you are an anti-Iraq-war-type, I reallywant you to click on that and read.
If that doesn't expose anti-war-types, that are supposedly about human rights, I don't know what will.
Think about this.
If you are about human rights, how can you ask your country, the most powerful country in the world to turn their backs on genocide and poverty?
If we bail on Iraq, like we did on Viet Nam, that is what you are advocating.
There is a big media push to Get Out Of Iraq.
But think about this. And thank you CUANAS, these are his words,
South Korea is free, so it is LIT UP. Same people - north and south. The south had poorer resources in 1952 - and was poorer in GDP, too. But now it is richer. One of the richest ecomnonies in the world. WHY!? Freedom. The south of Korea is FREE. Freedom creates prosperity.
The difference betweem Vietnam today and what South Vietnam MIGHT have been - if the Lefties in the Democrat Party hadn't pulled the plug - is just as stark. If the Left hadn't pulled the plug on the South Vietnamese government in 1975, then the South of Vietnam would be as rich and as free as the South Korea. We might be driving SOUTH VIETNAMESE cars instead of South Korean cars!
Now that is a pretty good lookin' KIA, (a subsid. of Hyundai) they stole the classic Bentley lines, which is pretty smart. You can't afford $300K for a car? Fine, we'll turn one out for less than 10% of that sticker price!
None-the-less, I'llstick with my Mercedes.
Oh, but wait, if you did your homework along the way, we occupied Germany for 50 years, as well as Japan.