Fu2rman on Sports and Society: Fu2rman Speaks

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fu2rman Speaks

As many of you know, I started this sports site after I was writing on political topics on Fu2rman Speaks.

I got many questions about sports on that site, so I started this one, and signed off on that site.

Especially since there were 1000's of blogs to read about politics, but not many with my take on sports, so here we are.

However, from time to
time, I find something that is not sports related that must be stated.

Today is one of those days.

I have an employee that is very liberal, she graduated from Berkley and everything, (let me note, she is waiting tables for me, and miss tax and spend, doesn't claim all her tips).

But I digress.

She also thinks we are in the wrong war, at the wrong time, or whatever BS John Kerry tried to pull on us in his unsuccessful, (Thank God) bid for the Presidency.

So tonight after I got home from work, I was reading my friend over at CUANAS, and I ran across a post of his. He referenced a post from The Astute Blogger.

It was about the most profound thing I have read in a long time.

This is the link, click on this, and read it!

If you support our efforts in Iraq, it will be preaching to the chior, and you will love it.

But if you are an anti-Iraq-war-type, I really
want you to click on that and read.

If that doesn't expose anti-war-types, that are
supposedly about human rights, I don't know what will.

Think about this.

If you are about human rights, how can you ask your country, the most powerful country in the world to turn their backs on genocide and poverty?

If we bail on Iraq, like we did on Viet Nam, that is what you are advocating.

There is a big media push to Get Out Of Iraq.

But think about this. And thank you CUANAS, these are his words,

South Korea is free, so it is LIT UP. Same people - north and south. The south had poorer resources in
1952 - and was poorer in GDP, too. But now it is richer. One of the richest ecomnonies in the world. WHY!? Freedom. The south of Korea is FREE. Freedom creates prosperity.

The difference betweem Vietnam today and what South Vietnam MIGHT have been - if the Lefties in the Democrat Party hadn't pulled the plug - is just as stark. If the Left hadn't pulled the plug on the South Vietnamese government in 1975, then the South of Vietnam would be as rich and as free as the South Korea. We might be driving SOUTH VIETNAMESE cars instead of South Korean cars!

Now that is a pretty good lookin' KIA, (a subsid. of Hyundai) they stole the classic Bentley lines, which is pretty smart. You can't afford $300K for a car? Fine, we'll turn one out for less than 10% of that sticker price!

None-the-less, I'll stick with my Mercedes.

Oh, but wait, if you did your homework along the way, we occupied Germany for 50 years, as well as Japan.

Any of you drive Japanese cars?

Any problem with that occupation?

I'll just leave it at that...


Blogger Pastorius said...

Grandma called you a dog?!?


Anyway, the Astute Blogger kicked butt on that post, didn't he?

I started to learn the truth about Viet Nam when I worked with a Viet Namese man a few years back. He had fought alongside our Army to push back the Communists.

When he would tell me about what it was like when we pulled out of Viet Nam, it was like watching a man look into the bowels of hell, as if a door had opened in the floor which only he could see. He would start to shake, and a look of desperation would come onto his face.

I felt ashamed for my country.

As I've studied more, and seen more of how the anti-War movement works, I have come to realize that they are evil people. They aren't Pacifists. Most of them, in fact, are Communists who want to see the downfall of Capitalism and American "Hegemony."

That's why they want us to lose all of our wars. They want America to disappear.

It might sound preposterous to say this, but go google anti-War issues, and then start googling the names of the people and organizations who support various marches and demonstrations. They are, almost without fail, Communists.

Anyway, remember when you used to be the Conservative and I was the raging Clinton-lover?

We've come a long way, baby.

12:43 PM  
Blogger The Fu2rman said...


Can you believe someone called me a dog?!

She took it back, of course, but geez!

You and Grandma C made great points.

I'll paraphrase...

Hers, if socialism is so great, why do they have to keep their citizens captive?

And yours that the anti-war, supposed human rights-types are evil at the core.

Liberals are getting a lot of attention with the slogan, 'if you don't know your history, you are bound to repeat it.'

I agree, but let me ask...

"Look at our history in Japan, Germany and Korea."

"Then look at the history of Viet Nam."

"Now, which histoty you would like to repeat?"

WWII and Korea, with the support of the nation?


Viet Nam with activists that would rather see Pol Pot massacre his people?

Like I said, I love my Mercedes, and my sister loves her Lexus, in the next few years, can we think about that Vietnamese import?

Not even close.

6:13 AM  
Blogger Pastorius said...

You're the man, Fu2.

I'm blogrolling you, even if it kills me.



P.S. Only the Fu2 knows what I mean by that.

8:46 PM  

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