Fu2rman on Sports and Society: Oy, What Can I Say?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Oy, What Can I Say?

This is the face of a crazy woman.

Her appearance on Larry King was about the most insane thing I've seen in a long time.

Read this in your best Canadian accent.

"I open the television, there's people still there, waiting to be rescued, and for me it's not acceptable," Celine Dion said on CNN television's "Larry King Live" late Saturday.

"I know there's reasons for it, I'm sorry to say, I'm being rude, but I don't want to hear those reasons,"

If you think that is 'rude' she went on to say that there is a focus on these poor people looting, stealing TV's and 20 pairs of jeans, they are poor, maybe they have never touched those things, let them touch them for once in their life.

Oh, did I mention, along with reading that in your best Canadian accent, do it while sobbing...

Hey Celine, what about the people that own the stuff that is being stolen? You don't care about them? Peoples houses are being looted and vandalized,
that you find acceptable, because the people that are doing these crimes are poor? The business owners that are having their stores robbed is no problem for you, because the thieves are poor, and have never touched these things?

Go back to Canada.

And then there is this piece of work...

New Orleans Mayor, Ray Nagin.

Now he is blaming the lawlessness on the fact that many of the left behind were drug addicts. They were
jonesin' for drugs, that is what made them loot, rape and shoot at rescue helicopters.

Now watch as he blames GW Bush for not sending drugs to these people,
they need their fix!

And in a move of pure hypocrisy, he is now saying that the people that won't leave the city will be denied drinking water to encourage them to leave.

That's great.

This is a guy that has no clue what he is doing.

Add his,
put a moratorium on press conferences, get off your asses speech, while he states that in a press conference, and then does more press conferences.

He simply needs to step aside, shut up, and let those with a clue handle the situation.


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