Fu2rman on Sports and Society: Can We Stop The Bush Bashing?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Can We Stop The Bush Bashing?

It seems the media won't let up on GW Bush over Hurricane Katrina.

They say he must be a racist for not resonding to the devestation caused by Katrina. They say he didn't respond because it was poor black people that were affected.

But let's check some facts...

Here is a timeline of the events, I'm only going to post the main points, but you can read the whole article here.

On Saturday August 27, Nagin issued a voluntary evacuation request late in the day. He was hesitant to order a mandatory evacuation because of concerns about the city's liability for closing hotels and other businesses.

OK, concerned about the legality of the situation? That is a shame, I guess this litigious society we have accepted, bit us in the ass again.

On Sunday August 28, Katrina became a Category 4 hurricane [3]. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin declared a mandatory evacuation of the city, and opened the Superdome to those who couldn't leave the city

An estimated 90,000 were still in the city when Katrina made landfall on August 29, causing severe damage to most of New Orleans.

He had a day to help evacuate his city, and he opened the Superdome...

The Astute Blogger illustrates this well here.

Just as Nagin has criticized others, Nagin's performance in the Hurricane Katrina crisis has been criticized as well. Nagin was criticized for not calling a mandatory evacuation until Sunday morning.

As mayor, Nagin was responsible for establishing evacuation centers, controlling first responders and keeping local order. Yet apparently there were no meals ready to eat (MRE's) stored at his designated evacuation center - the Superdome. There was no water purification equipment on site, no chemical toilets, anti-biotics or anti-diarrheals stored for a crisis. The mayor had not designated any medical staff to work the evacuation center. The city had not established a secure sick bay within the Superdome.

He doesn't mention that part when he is criticizing GW Bush.

The city had not sent police or other vehicles through the poorest neighborhoods with evacuation announcements prior to the storm. There were no functioning backup emergency communications radios available for police or fire-rescue. Additionally, the city stored the school buses on low ground where they were flooded and then not available for evacuation.

And you don't hear that either...

On the morning of Friday September 2, 2005, Nagin continued his criticism of authorities--particularly those on the federal level--for referred to on September 1, 2005 as "the biggest goddamn crisis in the history of this country" yet the formal request for federal assistance came only that afternoon of September 2, 2005 in a meeting called by President George W Bush on Air Force 1 held at the New Orleans Louis Armstrong International Airport in Kenner, Louisiana.

The media had reported the situation days before but without a request for assistance from the Governor federal officials were powerless to act under the Posse Comitatus Act.

So Gov. Kathleen Blanco was slow to act, not Bush.

It really doesn't do any of us or the people in the affected areas to point fingers, but lets get the facts straight.

What is becoming a big concern for me is the hatred of our President that is perpetuated by the media.

Obviously, I am a Republican.

However, I was not a big fan of the hatred that the Right had for Bill Clinton either.

I didn't vote for him either time, but, he was my President. I didn't always agree with him, but I supported him. And, both times he ran, I unsuccessfully used my vote to elect someone else.

For the record, I thought the impeachment of Clinton was ridiculous. If a husband or wife is caught cheating, what is every human being on the planet going to do?

Deny it!

It sucks that he happened to have to answer for it under a grand jury indictment.

Seriously people, support your President, you'll have an opportunity to vote for someone else soon enough.

But for now, stop dividing our country!


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