Fu2rman on Sports and Society: Marcus Speaks

Monday, September 05, 2005

Marcus Speaks

As I mentioned, Marcus and I got to talking about black leaders saying how blacks are not as well represented in Major League Baseball, and Hispanics are taking over.

Is that a bad thing?

And why might that be happening?

Well things are very different than they were, even 20 years ago.

I liken it to the Italians in the early days of baseball.

Where else could an uneducated, discriminated against young Italian man succeed in that world?

Sports and entertainment.

In the early days, Italians were white enough for baseball, even if they were blocked from the good jobs that regular white folks could get.

As stereotypes lifted, Italians got educated and moved into good jobs, thus not limiting themselves to sports and entertainment. And their presence diminished.

The same is true for the Black men of today.

They are a long way from being where the Italians are, but the drop in their MLB presence shows a move in the right direction. But they still have a long way to go.

As Marcus points out...

My neighbors baffle me.

They have a 17 year old boy, and they are pushing sports like no other.

He never hears any emphasis on grades. He can't understand, because he sees such a difference in the climate of employers than when he was trying to get ahead.

Sports are great, but with so much opportunity, why would you put all your sons eggs in one basket, He says, We're in a different time now!

I agree, perpetuating a stereotype is sad, to say the least.

He says that these parents, are in essence, telling their son that the only way he can be successful is to play football.

My comment was, Why football? Of all sports, it is the one that will get you hurt faster than any other.

We had a good laugh and He said, Of course, play golf!

Or Tennis, I added, Especially since those are the sports that you can make the most money!

You know, and not have a 300 pound beast trying to break you in half.

Like I said, a long way to go, but with Fathers like Marcus out there, everything will work out.


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