Fu2rman on Sports and Society: My Friday Morning With Marcus

Friday, September 09, 2005

My Friday Morning With Marcus

Let me give you some more background on Marcus.

He is 10 years older than me.

I have always been taught to respect my elders, and Marcus makes it so easy.

Today he pointed out something that as a white male I have never even thought of.

He said, I'm tired of hearing about black people complaining about slavery.

I cringed. I can't wait to hear this, I said.

Marcus added, No, Fu2rman, seriously, how many white people died to ensure freedom for the slaves?

I would never have dreamt of making such a bold statement. But I have those PC rules to play by.

So with my mouth agape, he added, A whole lot of white people fought for the rights of the Black man.

That was a statement I have never even pondered.

And it took a black man to point it out.

He said, Who is still alive that were slave owners? Those days are over, and a whole lot of white people are responsible for making that happen.

Still reluctant to say too much, I said, Yeah, the Civil War was a very violent time in our history.

Yes! And we can't forget what this country fought for, the rights of black people that were truly oppressed! Not like todays oppression, where a black man can get a good job, but chooses to take from the system, and claim oppression.

All I could say was, Wow! Marcus, you teach me something everytime I talk to you.

He laughed and said, I don't know about that.

Then we got to talking about his new wife, and the new woman I'm dating, and some topics that were less serious.

However, then I mentioned I was dating a great woman that has been a US citizen for 2 years, she is from Mexico.

He asked about the language barrier.

I explained that she spent her first 7 months here learning English, and she speaks great English.

Marcus about jumped up and down and said, See, if I went to another country, I'd get educated so I could communicate in my new country!

That is about the most un-PC comment one could make in So. California!

I would be crucified for making such a comment, but Sandra the woman I am speaking of and Marcus, a black man are saying it.

And oddly enough, Sandra is working in Real Estate and Marcus is in food distribution to a major restaurant. Both financially successful.

I don't know, maybe they should be looked down upon for acclimating and taking the success that this country can provide if you are willing to embrace this capitalist ideal we have created.


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