Fu2rman on Sports and Society: The Worst PR People Ever

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Worst PR People Ever

Raphael Palmeiro just picked up his 3,000th, and 3,001st Hits tonight.

That puts Raphael in 25th place on the all-time hits list.

Now let's add the 566 Homeruns he's racked up.

Only three other players can boast the stat, 3,000 Hits and 500 Homeruns.

That is Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, and Eddie Murray. And now Raphael freakin' Palmeiro.

Now I ask you, how is it even possible that anyone is debating his Hall-Of-Fame entrance?

Raphael has more hits than Barry Bonds (2,730) and Babe Ruth (2,873), all with about 20 year careers.

It doesn't look like Raphael is slowing down very much, and even at 40, he could come back for another year or two. He is only 34 Homeruns away from 600 (that would place him 5th all-time). He has 15 in the first half of this year, add another 15 for the 2nd half, and he would only need 19 all of next year to hit 600.

This is pretty freakin' impressive if you asked me.

So why is there a debate about him getting in the Hall?

He's only been an All-Star like, 3 times, I didn't check my facts there, but that's not the point. The point is he is not a regular All-Star.

Yeah, OK, maybe that's a good argument. The talking heads on all the sports channels make that point over and over and over again.

BUT, let the Fu2rman point something out...

These are the same wankers that complain that fans should not vote, because they don't pick the best players, they pick the most popular players.


These ESPN/FOX/What freakin' ever network people make my argument for me, then argue against it in Raphael's case.

Here's the real problem, Raphael has no PR!

Unless of course you recall the Viagra ads.


He needed a great PR guy like, 5 or 10 years ago. This would have put him on at least an All-Star team or two, (being a popularity contest and all).

Then, nobody could say that a guy that has put up Ruth/Bonds numbers is not worthy of the Hall-Of-Fame.

Here are some fun stats,

Barry Bonds leads Raphael by less than 20 RBI's.

Bonds is 12th all-time in RBI's. Raph should pass him by years end, he's on pace to get 50 more this year.

Raph is 8th all-time in Homeruns, and you wouldn't believe the names he is ahead of.

This is a first ballot Hall-Of-Famer, period!


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