Fu2rman on Sports and Society: WTF Is Wrong With Women, Another Example

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

WTF Is Wrong With Women, Another Example

Yeah, here we go again.

This one was really unbelievable, and even another woman was annoyed with this broad.

(That alone makes me think that we're doing fantastic work here, smart women are starting to turn on stupid women, I just wish there was more than a small handful of smart women).

I'm at Smart & Final picking up some things for my business. I shopped like you're supposed to, walk in pick up what you need, pay and go. Should be about a 3 minute trip.

But then there is the line, the line of one frickin' woman!

She was buying a box of individually wrapped carrot cakes. Of course my thought was 'hmm, too lazy to bake a carrot cake, she'd rather sacrifice and eat some awful preservatives than actually make something that...' nevermind, you get the idea.

So she is fumbling around for her membership card, and says, "Oh, my husband must have the card, can I just put in my phone number?" So she fumbles around with the ATM/Membership device on the counter. The cashier waits, and looks at the growing line she is going to have to deal with, and says, "Sorry, it didn't take, what is it, let me punch it in."

At this point, I'm like how much is this purchase? How much could she possibly be saving?

So I look at the screen, and the frickin' carrot cakes cost all of $3.75!


You've got to be kidding me.

Even if you get 10 % off, you're wasting the time of people out trying to do business, make the world a better place, so you can save 38 frickin' cents!?

The cashier was female, and she was doing everything she could to be nice, you could see the insincerity on her face when she handed the woman her change and said, "Thank You."

As I sarcastically said "How you doin'?" You could see by the grin on her face, that she was equally annoyed with another woman with something Wrong With Her.

Women, I hate to keep bringing up these examples, but you make it so easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeez. AGAIN? oy! women must be everywhere near you or around your ass. you're like a bad omen to them or something? or even worse they are a bad omen to YOU? gee which one sounds right? I think the latter. That woman needs to learn how to carry a card, do it right and FAST even if it is for 3. fucking 87 cents! DAMN! Glad I dont carry 87 cents or its "cousins"!! at least I carry whole $$ of dead presidents!

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and I tell everyone to keep the damn change!! GODDD!!!

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if women didn't get paid less than men for the same job, we wouldn't have to take every discount possible. And so what if it was only a few cents, it's anyone's perogative to take advantage of their membership to markets, werehouse stores, whatever, that's why they link it to your phone number. I say just let us be us, that is what makes us beautiful!

10:07 PM  
Blogger The Fu2rman said...

Are you frickin' kidding me?
I'll answer you one at a time.

Woman don't make the same money for the same job?

One must look at the factors that go into these figures. I wish I had the link to show you an article I read, but it went something like this. Men are more likely to work the jobs that are more demanding, and require longer hours. Take doctors for example, men are more likely to become surgeons, the hours are long, you're constantly on call, and you make a lot of money. Women are more likely to become physicians, and work for a clinic or small practice, the hours are much more predictable, but they get paid less. Same education, different money per year, but actually, if you break it down by the hour, they are probably pretty equal. Not to mention, the woman can then spend more time with the kids she has or eventually wants. If a man and a woman go to let's say Wal-Mart, (they employ more people than any company in the US), a cashier makes X amount per hour. A manager makes $X per year. Seriously, think about it.

Anyone's perogative?

After you attempt to save a quater, and you can't figure out how to get your membership recognized, let the quarter go, I'd hand you a quarter to get that 5 minutes back. In that time I could have listened to a great song, took the scenic route back to work, anything! It's my time damnit...

Let you be you, that's what makes you beautiful?

Sorry, what makes you beautiful is,
1) Not being dumb
2) Not being a total inconvenience out in public, we are a nation based on convenience.

Fu2rman say, convenience is the mother of invention.

3) What really makes you beautiful, is a hot body and a pretty face, period.

In no particular order, mind you...

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with master shake on that last comment!! ha ha!! so true!! I mean come on f2...if you tell them to save the change..it'll save us TIME in that damn motherfucking line! fucker! jeez.

11:47 AM  

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