Fu2rman on Sports and Society: What The F#@% Is Wrong With Women?

Friday, July 01, 2005

What The F#@% Is Wrong With Women?

The Fu2rman has another social question, much like,

"What the hell is wrong with stupid women that still write checks in line at...well...any-frickin'-where!"


"Why is it OK for woman to talk about shopping at work, but when the guys talk sports, it's all how stupid, talk about something interesting".

Like purses? Would that be better? you little attention whore...

Here's the new social question for my boys out there, and some of the women that get it...

OK, so I'm trying to get some food before one of the biggest beer drinkin' weekends of the year, I'm at one of those restaurants that are right between fast food and sitting down and being waited on, you know, you gotta go up and order, and they call your name, but you can sit down to cuisine much better than Taco Bell or McDonalds.

Great, right?!


But then I hear it, the crying baby, and another kid making some screeching sound. The cries are coming from a stroller being pushed by a fairly hefty woman, and her husband, a regular looking guy like myself trailing a couple steps behind.

My first thought was, 'oy, poor guy, noisy kids, fat wife in sweat-pants and a T-shirt, he's gotta be thinking, how in the hell did this happen!'

But then I noticed, by the annoyed look on his face, (it looked a lot like mine), that he was not part of this noisy gaggle of woman, girl and baby.

Well good for him!

However, he took his food to go, but I was stuck-and only 1/4 of the way through my meal.

Guess where biggie fries and her squeaky kid and crying baby decided to sit?

On the other side of the restaurant where nobody was sitting?


The same side of the restaurant, but on the other end where nobody else was sitting?


Any frickin' table other than the one that right frickin' next to mine?

Again, NO!

That's right, 20 tables to choose from, and she picks my little corner.

So I had to check, I was frickin' close enough, and nope, no wedding ring.


Not me, sweat pants don't keep husbands, and that big ass would make me run.

Of course, she has a stroller, she probably hasn't lost her baby weight!

Nope, she handed the kid in the stroller a quesadilla, and he fed himself.

So this is a two part social question...

1) Why do woman think it's ok to get fat and give up on looking anything close to feminine after a couple kids, (she probably did it so she could be fat and lazy and collect alimony).

2) And most importantly!) She is not my frickin' mistake, why does she pass 19 tables to sit next to me!

People, talk to me, WHY?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, just ask women...dude...if you tell them this shit you'd get your white ass beat up big time! I know I've asked before..it happened to me

1:22 PM  
Blogger The Fu2rman said...

See this is what I was talking about when I mentioned 'women that get it'

'Grandma' would infer, woman, and Grandma C made some great points about women and the way they raise thier little monsters, pack up the the little cryer, and teach them how to behave in public, or they are excluded, that's awesome advice.

The only thing I have to add, Grandma C, is that the shopping part was briliant as well. I have no problem with woman at work talking about shopping, hey, go ahead, knock yourself out. I'm just sayin' when the boys are talkin' sports, give us the same courteousy, every conversation does not have to revolve around the girls in the room...

And Anonymous, I hear you man, you gotta be careful what you say, some woman will beat your ass big time.

That's why I'm here, to say those things so you don't have to...

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man are you blind! She was trying to hook up!

Single Mom, single guy, where else is she going to sit?

Why do you think you were so able to see that she didn't have a wedding ring?

Open your eyes dude.

4:51 AM  
Blogger The Fu2rman said...

To the last Anonymous,

I hope you're mistaken about this woman wanting to hook-up.

If you are correct, here's a tip the the women out there...

Screechy and crying kids are both horrible wing-men.

The big ass and sweat-pants aren't helping you either...

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should call your blog "Fu2rman on Sports and Life".

6:51 PM  
Blogger Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said...

Once I had three little kids, and a husband that could hardly wait the six weeks in between having the baby and the first check-up to try for another one. I was always tired and cranky, (and I guess glad that he didn't let the 40 lbs I had gained between #s 2 and 3 babies stop him from being amourous)?
I tried to diet, but the best I could do was just eat salads for a year, and I lost a total of 15 lbs. of post baby fat. If I went out, I had to take my babies , 'cause he didn't want anyone else watching "his kids". I took them out for treats, and I didn't see anybody else around me, not because they weren't there, but because I was so unhappy I had tunnel vision.

I cried so much when he wasn't home, which was alot, 'cause the kids got on his nerves. He called me "fat", and asked why I was always tired! I did all the cooking, all the cleaning, all the shopping, everything.

I stayed with this man for 32 years, yep, I'm 58 now. I live here and he lives there, I finally left, 'cause I almost died. I stayed with him through thick and thin. When I got sick (nerve damage from diabetes), he didn't want to be bothered taking me back and forth to any doctor. I lost down to 130 lbs. and he said I was "too skinny", he liked a woman with some meat on her!!

Sorry that people lives aren't perfect, and you were what, "grossed out", and "irritated"? Jeez, man. You should lighten up, and wonder about what other people go through. Maybe self-induced, maybe not, you never know. Just living life means to take the good and the bad, and smile once in awhile anyway, you know?

Oh, and we pawned our rings one time to get "his" car out of pound, and I never got another one.

8:07 PM  
Blogger The Fu2rman said...

Oh Pamela, you're killing me.

OK first, I am sorry about all life has dealt you, sometimes it doesn't seem fair. But you did choose a domineering man, so I will let you place blame or take responsibilty, it's up to you....

Second, I'm gonna guess you haven't read me for more than this one post.

If you had, you'd know that everything I say is right, and you would just accept it.

Third, you said,

"I took them out for treats, and I didn't see anybody else around me, 'not because they weren't there, but because I was so unhappy I had tunnel vision.'"

YOU had tunnel vision? YOU were unnhappy, so that gives YOU the right to make others around YOU unhappy?

Do you see a pattern here?

We live in a 'society', we must coexsist, it's not all about me, it's not all about YOU.

When I'm unhappy with life, and go to a public place, I don't make others feel my unhappiness, I don't have the right to do so! There is no excuse for a cranky woman to make me feel hers.

But Pamela, do you think she was trying to hook-up, like another commenter suggested?

Lastly, of course lives are not perfect, only people are perfect, me for example, Bahb for another example, but we understand not everyone can be like us.

The issue comes when people don't even try, and then use the excuse that, 'nobody's perfect!'

Like 'almost' being perfect picking the entire NBA post-season, I said, I'm sorry for only going 13 out of 15. See, the goal is perfect, and when I fall short, I can admit it.

How many women can say the same?????

3:37 PM  
Blogger Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said...

Okay, Fu2rman, you're right, I can see why you named this post "What the F#@% ia wrong with women"?. Really I just used you to say things against my husband that I hoped wouldn't get back to anyone I knew, they all hated him in the first place!!

Thanks for reading my profile and whatever else you may have read!! That's exciting!! Personally, I will not apologize for what I said, but yes, that about calling you an asshole? I just couldn't do it. I'm a mother, part of (some of) our job is trying to make people feel guilty for anything!!

So in essence, I was just doing my job to the best of my ability. By the way, to get me to marry him, he told me, "Anything you want honey, I'm here to take care of you", and being one of ten kids, I didn't know that language.

Excuses? No, Fu2rman, in some cases, it's just plain stupidity!!
My bad. When you have tunnel vision you don't see anybody else, or maybe I was just trying to be close to other people in case of a potential accident, some one would holler out, "hey lady, look at your damn kid"?

I don't know, I'd have to have therapy to find out, but I did get them all the adulthood, and they still like me. Hate him, like me. and I never talked against him to them, I just let them see for themselves.

Your a good therapist, now I see what I did. Let them see their dad for the jerk he was, right? I like sports, all except for baseball, basketball, tennis, football, raquetball, soccor, and hockey.

5:41 PM  
Blogger The Fu2rman said...


At least you finally saw my genious, being that you stated...

"Okay, Fu2rman, you're right, I can see why you named this post "What the F#@% ia wrong with women""

I'm always right.

And, your idea about therapy is a good one, go with that.

10:18 PM  

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