Fu2rman on Sports and Society: Bahb, You're Killing Me

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Bahb, You're Killing Me

Bahb, again, I'm not going to disagree that Shaq is going to be useless in a couple years, he is almost as big of a bitch as Kobe.

My concern is The Lakers!

They are useless, Kobe is a terrible leader, and they are on a bad path.

You say Kobe will improve?

To what?

It better be 40 points per game, and 10 rebounds and assissts per game, or this team doesn't have a chance!

You can have the fact that Shaq is a jilted chick.

As a matter of fact, I must admit, I was impressed by the analogy, (Fu2rman readers, now do you see why Bahb is the only person I would allow to write with me!)

Now, let's deal with the Lakers! How do you fix this fiasco?

Kobe is useless to me. He should play in the east with Iverson and Kidd, both great, but let me see your ring.

OH! Thats right! You don't have a ring, much less, ringS!!!

The 'Kobe' idea that the Lakers committed themselves to has been a proven bad idea. It has been the model of the easts for some years, and how has that worked out?

Yeah...., not so good.

The Lakers may get to the playoffs, but I don't see Kobe getting another ring, ever!

Well we're stuck with Kobe for 7 years, which would be OK if this little bitch didn't run everybody out of town that could help him!

Bahb, seriously, I love the Lakers, you love the Lakers, how can we fix this mess? Do you really want Kobe to lead our team?

I say NO!!


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