Fu2rman on Sports and Society: Cheater or Quitter?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Cheater or Quitter?

Oh Barry, why do you make it so easy?

So let's recap, you used steroids to get huge, you have always been clear that you hate the media, you won't even let yourself be pictured on baseball cards so your young fans can collect your image.

You're one hell of a guy!

And now, geez, all these horrible media people finally broke you?

I know, your kids can't cry any more tears.

And now you're too hurt to play until at least midseason if not next year.

Here's a Fu2rman prediction-

Barry is now retired.

He is ducking out of baseball to save face.

Before he breaks the HR record of the Babe, that he has talked way too much crap on, after dropping the race card way too many times, after obviously cheating, he's going to hang up his cleats?

And hope he is still a first ballot hall of famer?


Bahb, what do you think of Bonds these days, inquiring minds want to know.


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